Our purpose is to empower and uplift our men to take their rightful place in the ministry and their personal lives. We aim to promote physical awareness, to affect the community, and to equip men economically. The primary mission of the Department is to enhance the whole man: spiritually, physically and intellectually. It is our endeavour to offer many gainful avenues to meet the needs of men everywhere. The men’s department is designed to empower men to impact the world. We aim to minister to, train, and deploy Spirit-filled servants who will ably take the gospel to the world, making disciples for the kingdom.
If you are looking for a place to worship then come fellowship with us at Prayer of Faith International Temple Apostolic - 8061-8063 W. Mcnab Rd. Tamarac, Florida 33321
We are Apostolic by spiritual DNA and we exude the raw tangible power of the Holy Ghost as was witnessed in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost.
We believe that the same power under which Jesus and his disciples operated while they walked earth, is still relevant in the church today. We teach our church family that the self-same power must be in you to raise you from your spiritual death and to cripple every dead thing in your life.
We baptize in Jesus name, we believe in the infilling of the Holy Ghost - it is still your passport to Glory - and we believe in living holy.
Join us this Sunday for Sunday Service at 8:00am! You will be glad you did.